1 Syllabus
Please note:
The class does NOT include instruction in the use of word processing,
spreadsheets, or database application programs. If this is what you are
hoping to learn, look in the
Pima catalog for an applicable class.
CSA101, Computer Fundamentals may provide the skills you are looking for.
Introduction to Computers 3 cr. hrs./3 periods (3 lec.)
Introduction to computer information systems. Includes overview and concepts of computer components,
operating systems, software applications, databases, e-commerce, multimedia, security, application
of information technology, networking, privacy, globalization, and ethics. Also includes use,
history, structure and research techniques on the Internet.
- New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 8th Edition,Comprehensive
Parsons, June & Oja, Dan
Course Technology; 8th edition (©2006) ISBN: 0-619-26765-8, 749
- A sharpened #2 pencil and an eraser for the mark sense quizzes.
- A 3.5 inch floppy or USB flash drive for storing reports.
- Library cards
- Tucson Pima Library
- Pima Community College
- University of Arizona
Because of the amount of e-mail spam that I receive, if you
e-mail me regarding this class, please do the following:
Please be aware that if you don't do this, I may never see your e-mail. Thanks.
- Identify and explain the hardware components of a computer
system including CPU, memory, video, input/output devices, secondary
storage, networking, and terminology.
- Discuss and describe computer operating systems.
- Discuss and describe computer application software.
- Discuss and describe database system concepts.
- Explain the history, structure and use of the Internet.
- Use the Internet to research and analyze information.
- Discuss the effect of computers on globalization.
- Discuss how computers have affected the law and ethics.
- Describe how a basic Web page is constructed.
- Explain what a computer program does.
- Discuss the concepts of e-commerce.
- Describe the basic concept of how computer systems are designed.
- Function of the Hardware Components of a Computer
- Function of Operating Systems
- Use of Software Applications
- Concepts of Databases
- History, Structure, Research, and Analysis of the Internet
- Computer Affect on Globalization
- Group Discussion on Ethics of File Swapping,
Software Piracy, and Music and Movie Downloading
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act on Computer Usage
- Construction of a Basic Web Page
- Different Programming Languages and Explanation of Their Uses
- Principles of E-Commerce and Affect on Business
- Principles of the Design of Computer Systems
- Basic Networking Concepts and Principles
- Career Opportunities in the Computer Field
Instructor: Louis Taber, ltaber at uml dot lt dot Tucson dot AZ dot us (520) 206-6850
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The Pima Community College web site