2.8 Americans with Disabilites Act2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.6 Quizzes2.7 Networking Report

2.7 Networking Report

You will need to write a report on a networking related topic this semester. The report is required, it must be done with a word processor, and it must be proof read by the writing lab.

The topic you choose should be of interest to you. There are many possible topics. One area of common interest today is wireless networking (802.11). It is not well covered in the textbook. Some other possible topics:

Be sure to attach the proof read copy to your final report when you turn it in.

The length of the reports is expected to be between 3 and 6 pages each single spaced, 12 point type (Not counting cover sheets & the bibliography). When you take your paper to the writing lab, double space it. If you run out of things to write about before reaching three pages, you need to do additional research.

The report needs to include:  

Please simply staple the pages together. I do not want any plastic sleeves. Thanks. The report is due 1:10PM Wednesday April 21, 2004. You are encouraged to turn the report in early. The late penalty for the report is 5% of your class grade per day.

Instructor: ltaber (at) pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

2.8 Americans with Disabilites Act2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.6 Quizzes2.7 Networking Report