2.5 Course bank note2 Syllabus2.3 Performance Objectives2.4 Course Outline

2.4 Course Outline

  1. Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal number systems
  2. Machine Architecture
    1. RISC/CISC overview
    2. User model/supervisor model overview
    3. Execution (fetch/execute cycle)
    4. Memory & Memory management
    5. Instruction pipelining, cache memory
    6. Registers
    7. Status and control registers
    8. Addressing Modes
    9. Instructions
      1. Instruction coding
      2. Processor modes, user & privileged
      3. Defined, Illegal, Reserved
      4. Arithmetic
      5. Logical, Shift, Rotate
      6. Comparison
      7. Conditional and unconditional jumps
      8. Subroutine calls and returns
      9. Floating point
      10. Input/Output (I/O)
      11. Other instructions as appropriate
    10. I/O devices
    11. Boot process
  3. Program design
  4. The Assembler
    1. Program syntax
    2. Source creation using a text editor
    3. Translation
    4. Linking
    5. Pseudo ops
    6. Macro definition and use.
    7. Storage allocation, static and dynamic
  5. The stack
    1. Parameter Passing on the Stack
    2. Calling sequences
    3. Internal and external procedures
    4. "C" language calling sequence
  6. Array Processing, Indexing
  7. Sorting
  8. Program debugging and testing
  9. Optional: performance issues
  10. Optional: program profiling
  11. Optional: programmer productivity issues

Instructor: Louis Taber, ltaber(at)uml.lt.Tucson.AZ.us (520) 206-6850
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2.5 Course bank note2 Syllabus2.3 Performance Objectives2.4 Course Outline