4.5 Subroutines |
Subroutine call and return instructions in Intel 's IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's
Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M and Intel 's IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's
Volume 2BA: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z.
Instructions for pushing values onto the stack and
removing items from the stack in Intel 's IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's
Volume 2BA: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z
in Intel 's IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's
ManualPushes and pops all of the 32 bit registers at one time.
In Intel 's IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's
Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M.
A high level procedure entry and exit instructions.
/* Louis Taber PCC 10/31/2004 C Fibonacci Program ver #1 */ #include <stdio.h> int fibreset(void); int fib(int index); int fib2(int index); int fibcount; /* keep track of number of calls */ int main() { int i, f1, f2, f1c, f2c; fibreset(); /* Clear call count */ printf("Louis Taber, PCC C Fibonacci Program\n" "Compiled: " __DATE__ " File: " __FILE__ "\n\n" "Index Fibonacci Calls Fibonacci Calls\n"); for( i=0; i<=36; i++ ) /* First 36 numbers */ { f1=fib(i); f1c=fibreset(); f2=fib2(i); f2c=fibreset(); printf("%5d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n", i, f1, f1c, f2, f2c); } } int fibreset(void) /* return old count */ { int count; count = fibcount; fibcount = 0; /* reset count */ return count; } int fib(int index) /* traditional recursive routine */ { fibcount++; return index < 2 ? index : fib(index-1) + fib(index-2); } int fib2(int index) /* faster recursive routine */ { fibcount++; if( index == 14 ) return 377; if( index == 15 ) return 610; if( index == 28 ) return 317811; if( index == 29 ) return 514229; return index < 2 ? index : fib2(index-1) + fib2(index-2); }
This is the output of the program.
Louis Taber, PCC C Fibonacci Program Compiled: Oct 31 2004 File: printfib.c Index Fibonacci Calls Fibonacci Calls 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 5 2 5 4 3 9 3 9 5 5 15 5 15 6 8 25 8 25 7 13 41 13 41 8 21 67 21 67 9 34 109 34 109 10 55 177 55 177 11 89 287 89 287 12 144 465 144 465 13 233 753 233 753 14 377 1219 377 1 15 610 1973 610 1 16 987 3193 987 3 17 1597 5167 1597 5 18 2584 8361 2584 9 19 4181 13529 4181 15 20 6765 21891 6765 25 21 10946 35421 10946 41 22 17711 57313 17711 67 23 28657 92735 28657 109 24 46368 150049 46368 177 25 75025 242785 75025 287 26 121393 392835 121393 465 27 196418 635621 196418 753 28 317811 1028457 317811 1 29 514229 1664079 514229 1 30 832040 2692537 832040 3 31 1346269 4356617 1346269 5 32 2178309 7049155 2178309 9 33 3524578 11405773 3524578 15 34 5702887 18454929 5702887 25 35 9227465 29860703 9227465 41 36 14930352 48315633 14930352 67
and extern
#include <stdio.h> int count; char name[]="your-name"; int month=11, day=1, year=2004; int main() { count = printf("%s CIS250 %d/%d/%d\n\n",name,month,day,year); printf("count: %d\n",count); return 0; }
Turn in a printed error free listing of the assembly language programs & subprograms, a copy of the modified "C" main program, and the output of your program. Include a copy of any testing that you did to verify the program was correct.
4.5 Subroutines |