1 Syllabus1.3 Performance Objectives1.4 Course Outline

1.4 Course Outline

  1. Review of Fundamentals Inherited from Programming Language "C"
  2. Objects, Classes and Methods
  3. Creating, Resizing and Moving Frames
  4. Extending Classes and Overriding Methods
  5. Text Output: Working with Strings
  6. Handling Events: Buttons, Labels and Panels
  7. Text Input: Parsing Numbers
  8. Scrollbars and Colors: the Paint Method
  9. Mouse Events
  10. Working with Fonts
  11. Menus, Checkboxes, Lists, Choices, and Other Components
  12. Sending Data to and from Files and Across the Internet
  13. Creating and Using Applets
  14. Simultaneous Multi-processing: Threads
  15. Creating and Importing Packages

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

1 Syllabus1.3 Performance Objectives1.4 Course Outline