4.2 Week 2 - A simple program4 Operator Precedence and Associativity4.1 Week 1 -- Getting started

4.1 Week 1 -- Getting started

4.1.1 Reading and Web Sites

  1. Read van der Linden Chapter 1, What is Java
  2. Read van der Linden Chapter 2, The Story of O
  3. Look at the Java Tutorial
  4. Look at the Java online documentation

4.1.2 Notes

4.1.3 Lab Assignment

  1. Install Sun Microsystems's JDK. (1.4) Or use out systems.
  2. Run the following 'hello.java' application
    (It is avaliable by ftp from ftp://lt.tucson.az.us/pub/java/Hello.java:
    /* Hello world java program
     * Louis Taber, PCC
     * modified from K&R  */
    public class Hello
    public static void main( String[] args)
      System.out.println("Hello, world");
      }  // End main()
    }  // End class Hello
    username@gort ~ $ $ ls
    username@gort ~ $ javac Hello.java
    username@gort ~ $ java Hello
    Hello, world
    username@gort ~ $
    Change the program so it prints your name and the date. Turn in a printout of your source code and your output.

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

4.2 Week 2 - A simple program4 Operator Precedence and Associativity4.1 Week 1 -- Getting started