Louis Taber
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System

©Louis Taber, PCC

October 15, 2003

This document is the syllabus, labs, attendance and grading policy, and most of the handouts used in Louis Taber's CIS137 class.

The hypertext version of this document contains many links to other references.

I would like to thank Kevin Walter, Joshua Geller, Cindy Dooling, the Computer Science Department at Pima Community College, West Campus, and many unnamed students for their help and assistance in getting the materials ready for my class and helping my class run smoothly.

I would also like to thank Carole Kempe for proofreading this document.

This document is written in a version of LaTeX called HyperLaTeX written by Otfried Cheong. HyperLaTeX uses Leslie Lamport's LaTeX, a document preparation system, Donald E. Knuth's TeX, a typesetting program, and the FSF emacs text editor.

A postscript version of this document is available by ftp at:
lt.tucson.az.us/pub/unix.ps. It may be older than the hypertext version.

This document is available under a FSF license. Please contact the author if you are interested.

Links to sections.

  • 1 CIS137 Class Information
  • 2 Syllabus
  • 2.1 Catalog Description
  • 2.2 Textbooks
  • 2.3 Class content
  • 2.4 Lab resources
  • 3 Attendance and Grading Policy
  • 3.1 Course grade
  • 3.2 Grading Scale
  • 3.3 Attendance
  • 3.4 Y Option
  • 3.5 Quizzes
  • 3.6 Exams
  • 3.7 Labs
  • 3.8 Software Copyright and License
  • 3.9 Americans with Disabilites Act
  • 4 Labs
  • 4.1 Setup UNIX account
  • 4.2 Some Unix commands
  • 4.3 Browsing, the file system, and re-direction
  • 4.4 About Me
  • 4.5 First Shell Script
  • 4.6 Editor -- vi
  • 4.7 Editor -- emacs
  • 4.8 grep and regular expressions
  • 4.8.1 shell rules
  • 4.8.2 regular expression rules
  • 4.8.3 extended regular expression rules
  • 4.9 "C" A Programming Language
  • 4.10 Shell script -- swapdir
  • 4.11 Text processing - HTML
  • 4.12 bc -- Extended Precision Calculator
  • 4.13 sed -- A Stream Editor
  • 4.14 awk -- A Programming Language
  • 4.15 System Administration
  • 5 Class notes
  • 5.1 Week 1 - Introduction
  • 5.2 Week 2 - Labor Day Week
  • 5.3 Password File Entry
  • 5.4 ls -l output - format and content
  • 5.5 ed and ex text editors
  • 5.6 vi, emacs, and pico text editors
  • 5.7 Quiz 1
  • 5.8 Regular expressions and grep
  • 5.9 Shell programming - Scripts
  • 5.10 Week 16 and 17 - Review and Final
  • 6 Shannon's Notes Spring 2001
  • References
  • Index

  • Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site