1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content

1.3 Class content

1.3.1 Performance Objectives

  1. Define the vocabulary and explain the concepts of computer networks.
  2. Identify network and internetwork connectivity devices.
  3. Describe key network protocols and standards.
  4. Delineate the OSI model and protocol layers.
  5. Identify the components and services of popular protocol suites.
  6. Explain the elements of network management.

1.3.2 Course Outline

  1. Computer Networks and Services
    1. Elements of networking: LANS, MANs and WANs
    2. Computer network services: file, print, message, application, database
    3. Centralized versus distributed network services: peer-to-peer, file server
  2. Transmission Media and Connection
    1. Popular media types: coax, fiber-optic, wireless, twisted pair, UTP, STP
    2. Public data networks: the telephone network, the Internet
    3. Network hardware: NiCs, modems, switches, multiplexers, repeaters, DSU/CSUs, bridges, routers
  3. Network Protocols and the OSI Model
    1. Protocols, models and standards: the OSI model, the seven layers
    2. The physical layer: topology, signaling, bandwidth, multiplexing
    3. The data link layer: CSMA/CD, token passing, polling, bridges, ethernet, token ring
    4. The network layer: routing, addressing, switching, routers, gateways
    5. The transport layer: address/name resolution, connection services
    6. The session layer: dialog services, session administration
    7. The presentation layer: data translation and encryption
    8. The application layer: file transfer, e-mail, remote terminal, remote procedures, remote file access
  4. Popular Protocol Suites
    1. The NetWare protocols: IPX/SPX, NCP, RIP
    2. The internet protocols: TCP/IP, SMTP, FTP, TELNET
    3. The DEC DNA protocols: DNA, DECnet, ISO, GOSIP
    4. AppleTalk, IBM SNA protocols and others: ATM, FDDI, SLIP, PPP, SONET/SDH, SMDS
  5. Network Management
    1. The ISO model of management
    2. Configuration
    3. Fault
    4. Performance
    5. Security
    6. Accounting management

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content