1.3 Class content
- Define the vocabulary and explain the concepts of computer networks.
- Identify network and internetwork connectivity devices.
- Describe key network protocols and standards.
- Delineate the OSI model and protocol layers.
- Identify the components and services of popular protocol suites.
- Explain the elements of network management.
- Computer Networks and Services
- Elements of networking: LANS, MANs and WANs
- Computer network services: file, print, message, application, database
- Centralized versus distributed network services: peer-to-peer, file server
- Transmission Media and Connection
- Popular media types: coax, fiber-optic, wireless, twisted pair, UTP, STP
- Public data networks: the telephone network, the Internet
- Network hardware: NiCs, modems, switches, multiplexers, repeaters, DSU/CSUs,
bridges, routers
- Network Protocols and the OSI Model
- Protocols, models and standards: the OSI model, the seven layers
- The physical layer: topology, signaling, bandwidth, multiplexing
- The data link layer: CSMA/CD, token passing, polling, bridges, ethernet, token ring
- The network layer: routing, addressing, switching, routers, gateways
- The transport layer: address/name resolution, connection services
- The session layer: dialog services, session administration
- The presentation layer: data translation and encryption
- The application layer:
file transfer, e-mail, remote terminal, remote procedures, remote file access
- Popular Protocol Suites
- The NetWare protocols: IPX/SPX, NCP, RIP
- The internet protocols: TCP/IP, SMTP, FTP, TELNET
- The DEC DNA protocols: DNA, DECnet, ISO, GOSIP
- AppleTalk, IBM SNA protocols and others:
- Network Management
- The ISO model of management
- Configuration
- Fault
- Performance
- Security
- Accounting management
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