1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content

1.3 Class content

1.3.1 Performance Objectives

  1. Describe the microcomputer system including elements of each board, critical differences between boards, expansion slots, ports, and memory limitations.
  2. Assemble a computer system including interfacing with input/output devices, such as printers, disk drives, modems, etc.
  3. Demonstrate good preventive maintenance practices.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to load the operating system.
  5. Add memory and communications as well as swap boards.
  6. Select and configure a microcomputer system.
  7. Compare and contrast the value of upgrade versus a new system trade off.

1.3.2 Course Outline

  1. Systems Upgrades
    1. Memory installation
    2. Floppy/hard drive installation
    3. Other specialty board installation
    4. TSR programs
  2. Printer Maintenance

    1. Printer cables and interfaces
    2. Dip switch settings
    3. Ribbon replacement
    4. Feed mechanism
    5. Preventive maintenance practices
  3. Drive Maintenance
    1. Drive testing and maintenance utility programs
    2. Drive head cleaning
    3. Drive speed adjustment
    4. Preventive maintenance practices
    5. Virtual drive use
  4. Additional I/O Devices
    1. Monitor types
    2. Modems
    3. Alternative I/O devices
    4. Mouse and drivers
  5. Selecting and Configuring a System
    1. Software testing
    2. Brand name compatibles and cost considerations
    3. Open and closed systems
    4. System longevity
    5. Multiple drive and operating systems
  6. Advanced Techniques
    1. LAN configurations (Peer-Peer) and file server
    2. Compression techniques
    3. Encryption techniques
    4. Shadowing and back-up systems

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content