2.8 Team work2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.6 Quizzes2.7 Microcomputer Report

2.7 Microcomputer Report

You will need to write and present a report on a topic related to Microcomputers this semester. The text book does not include any real information on a number of topic. The report is required, it must be done with a word processor, and be proof read by the writing lab.

Possible topics for your report:

Note: Other topics may be available.

Be sure to attach the proof read copy to your final report when you turn it in.

The length of the reports is expected to be between 3 and 6 pages each single spaced, 12 point type (Not counting cover sheets & the bibliography). The presentation will likely be about 10-20 minutes long. Please expect questions both from the instructor and other students.

If you run out of things to write about before reaching three pages, you need to do additional research.

The report needs to include:  

Please simply staple the pages together. I do not want any plastic sleeves. Thanks. The written report is due Thursday December 4, 2003.

The class presentation needs to be scheduled with me. Please give me two weeks notice for when you expect to be ready.

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

2.8 Team work2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.6 Quizzes2.7 Microcomputer Report