1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content

1.3 Class content

1.3.1 Performance Objectives

  1. Identify and explain the components of a computer system (software, hardware) including CPU, input/output device, secondary storage, networking type and terminology.
  2. Describe binary and hexadecimal numbering systems and perform basic conversions between decimal, binary and hex.
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of machine languages, assembly languages, and high-level languages, including HTML, and explain the process of language translation.
  4. Problem solve using algorithmic tools such as flowcharting and pseudocode, including the four basic logic patterns: sequence, selection, loop and branch.
  5. Solve, code, debug and document simple problems using QBASIC for programming and HTML for web pages.
  6. Discuss and demonstrate Web Browser navigation of the World Wide Web, including search engines and file downloading with analysis.
  7. Utilize current spreadsheet software, such as Excel, as a problem-solving tool, including programmatic cell formulas.
  8. Demonstrate current presentation software.

1.3.2 Course Outline

  1. Components of a Computer System
    1. Hardware
      1. CPU
      2. Input/Output Devices
      3. Secondary Storage
    2. Software
      1. System Software
      2. Application Software
  2. Number Base Systems
    1. Base 2
    2. Base 10
    3. Base 16
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Program Languages
    1. Machine code
    2. Low level programming language-assemblers (assembly languages)
    3. High level language-interpreters and compilers
  4. Problem Solving
    1. Structured logic patterns: sequence, selection, loop and branch
    2. Programming design language (PDL): flowcharting and pseudo-code
    3. Formatting reports and web pages
  5. Programming in QBASIC and HTML
    1. Code, debug, run and document programs
    2. Publish web pages
  6. Internet
    1. Browser navigation
    2. File downloading and analysis
  7. Spreadsheet Software
    1. Sample: Excel
    2. Layout
    3. Programmatic cell formulas and functions
    4. Linking
    5. Saving, importing and exporting
    6. Demonstrate database
  8. Demonstration of Presentation Software

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content