2.6 Quizzes2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.4 Y Option2.5 Labs

2.5 Labs

The class does NOT include instruction in the use of word processing, database application programs. If this is what you are hoping to learn, look in the Pima catalog for an applicable class. CSA101, Computer Fundamentals may provide the skills you are looking for.

This class is related to computer fundamentals and programming. Some lab assignments will involve writing, entering, compiling, running, testing, and debugging programs in QBASIC. There will also be a major component that covers spreadsheet usage. Both of these areas require some math skills.

Lab work will involve:

  1. Programming in QBASIC,
  2. MS Excel Spreadsheets, and
  3. The Internet.

The lab work will need to be done independently.

Some "lab" assignments may involve reading, answering questions, and writing outside of class time.

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

2.6 Quizzes2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.4 Y Option2.5 Labs