3.4 Quizzes3 Attendance and Grading Policy3.2 Attendance3.3 Y Option

3.3 Y Option

At the end of the semester you will have an opportunity to specify the lowest grade that you want. If you earn a lower final grade, I will submit a Y grade for you. By the way, this is not a good option for a variety of reasons. Please drop the class if you can instead of exercising this option.

The college web page grade description
(as of 8/24/2000) of the Y grade reads:

Y Special Withdrawal 

This grade may be given by the instructor at his/her discretion 
at the end of the term when circumstances dictate that none of 
the other grades are appropriate. Instructor must submit a form 
indicating reason for special

1. "Y" is counted as an actual attempt in determining 
   financial aid eligibility and/or veteran's benefits
2. Some colleges and universities may compute the "Y" 
   grade as a failing grade when calculating the PCC 
   Grade Point Average.
The "update" to the college 1999/2000 catalog read:
Y --- Special Withdrawal

(All students are provided information regarding the potential 
negative effects of the 'Y' grade.  The decision to grant the 
special withdrawal is based on what is best for the student 
in light of his or her educational objectives.  The instructor 
will complete the standard 'Y' grade form, specifying the 
rationale for the special withdrawal.)

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

3.4 Quizzes3 Attendance and Grading Policy3.2 Attendance3.3 Y Option