1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content

1.3 Class content

  1. Components of a Computer System
    1. Types of Computers
    2. Hardware
      1. CPU
      2. Input/Output Devices
      3. Storage - tapes, disks, laser technology, CD-Rom
      4. Memory
      5. Computer Codes and Numeric Representation - simple conversions
  2. Internet
    1. Navigate through the World Wide Web
    2. Download files
    3. Use search engines to find information
  3. Networks
    1. Types and uses
    2. Terminology
  4. Problem Solving
    1. Logic Patterns - sequence, selection, loop and branch
    2. Use graphic tool to demonstrate steps to solve a problem
    3. Input, Calculations, Arithmetic and Boolean Expressions
    4. Loops, Accumulators
    5. Arrays, Read/Data Statements, Totals
  5. Programming in QBASIC
    1. Use QBASIC environment to write, debug and run programs
    2. Write programs using concepts described above
    3. Format report output
    4. Comparison to other languages

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site ** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.

1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content