5 Class notesTop3 Attendance and Grading Policy4 Labs

4 Labs

  • 4.1 Setup UNIX account
  • 4.2 Some UNIX commands
  • 4.3 About Me
  • 4.4 First Shell Script
  • 4.5 Editor -- vi
  • 4.6 Editor -- emacs
  • 4.7 grep and regular expressions
  • 4.8 Shell script -- dir
  • 4.9 Three bash scripts
  • 4.10 "C" A Programming Language
  • 4.11 Menu shell script
  • 4.12 Internet
  • 4.13 Text processing - HTML
  • 4.14 bc -- Extended Precision Calculator
  • 4.15 sed -- A Stream Editor
  • 4.16 awk -- A Programming Language
  • 4.17 perl -- A programming Language
  • 4.18 System Administration

  • Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

    5 Class notesTop3 Attendance and Grading Policy4 Labs