Reading ListTop2 Attendance and Grading Policy3 Assignments

3 Assignments

Plan on reading a chapter in the textbook each week. There will be a test on the chapter the following week. There will be no test the first week of class. In this class the test will usually be on Thursday.

3.1 Lab Assignments

  1. Word process a book report cover sheet or use a PC data base program (ie: Microsoft Access) to create your personal address book.
  2. Put together a web page with a minimum of three working links, a heading and a title.
  3. e-mail me at a paragraph about yourself, a paragraph about why you are taking the class, and three URLs (with descriptions) pointing to interesting web sites or pages. Make sure your name is included in your e-mail. Use a subject line of
    CIS100 Lab 3 your-name
  4. e-mail me at three URLs.
    1. A site related to computer viruses.
    2. A site related to computer ethics.
    3. A site related to cryptography.
    Use a subject line of
    CIS100 Lab 4 your-name
  5. Skill Drill from Excel 2000 page 48-50. Add a top line to the first sheet and add:
    CIS100  Lab 5  Project 2  your-name
  6. Skill Drill from Excel 2000 page 72-74. Add a top line to the first sheet and add:
    CIS100  Lab 6  Project 3  your-name
  7. Skill Drill from Excel 2000 page 99-101 Add a top line to the first sheet and add:
    CIS100  Lab 7  Project 4  your-name
  8. Skill Drill from Excel 2000 page 129-132. Add a top line to the first sheet and add:
    CIS100  Lab 8  Project 5  your-name
  9. Enter the program on page 42. Run and save your program to disk.
  10. Use Qbasic to draw a house. The house needs to have the following minimal features:

    The following Qbasic commands will be helpful:

    Note: Most of the above commands have other options.

    The colors are as follows:

    0 Black
    1 Blue
    2 Green
    3 Cyan
    4 Red
    5 Magenta
    6 Yellow
    7 White
    8 Gray
    9 Light Blue
    10 Light Green
    11 Light Cyan
    12 Light Red
    13 Light Magenta
    14 Light Yellow
    15 Bright White
  11. Turn your house into a neighborhood. To do this follow this sequence.
    1. Scale all of your X and Y coordinates. For example: (210*S+X,311*S+Y). If you set S=1, X=0, and Y=0 your house will be unchanged. If you set S=.1, your house will be on tenth the size on both the X axis and the Y axis.
    2. Place the program in nested FOR loops for X & Y.
      LET S=.1
      FOR X = 0 TO 620 STEP 60
      FOR Y = 0 TO 420 STEP 40
       Your House Program 
      NEXT Y
      NEXT X
    3. You can also PAINT your houses different colors using the MOD operator.
      PAINT (210*S+X,311*S+Y) (X+Y) MOD 15, 15
  12. Do program 3 on page 179. From the textbook..

    Table 5.12 gives the 1998 federal income tax rate schedule for a single taxpayers. Write a program that requests the taxable income and calculates the federal income tax. Use a subprogram for the input and a function to calculate the tax.

    $0 $25,350 15% $0
    $25,350 $61,400 $3,802.50 + 28% $25,350
    $61,400 $128,100 $13,896.50 + 31% $61,400
    $128,100 $278,450 $33,573.50 + 36% $128,100
    $278,450   $86,699.50 + 39.6% $228,450
  13. Do program 10 on page 231.

    The Twelve Days of Christmas. Each year, Provident National Bank of Philadelphia publishes a Christmas price list. See Table 6.12. Write a program that requests an integer from 1 to 12 and then lists the gifts for that day along with that day's cost. On the nth day, the n gifts are 1 partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtle doves, ..., n of the nth item. The program also should give the total cost of all twelve days. A sample output is as follows:

Instructor: ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

Reading ListTop2 Attendance and Grading Policy3 Assignments