2.8 Team work2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.6 Quizzes2.7 Book reports

2.7 Book reports

You will need to do two book reports this semester. The books must be non-fiction, non-textbook, non-manual, computer related books. If you have a question about a specific book, PLEASE ASK. The book reports are required, must be done with a word processor, and be proof read by the writing lab.

The reports should be your thoughts on the subjects covered in the book, NOT a summary of the books content.

The Learning Center is located the second floor of West Campus Santa Catalina building in room C217 (206-6819). Please attach the marked up version of your document to the back of your final version. The Learning Center will, in addition to marking up your draft document, date and sign the first page and initial all of the other pages.

The length of the reports is expected to be between 3 and 6 pages each single spaced, 12 point type (Not counting cover sheets). If you run out of thing to write about, please stop. It is the content that is important, not the length.

The cover sheet needs to include:

Each book report counts as 100 points. Failure to turn the book reports on time will result in the loss of 10 points per day it is late. Please see the reading list for possible books to read.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

2.8 Team work2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.6 Quizzes2.7 Book reports