5.7 Quiz 1
- What is UNIX? Why would someone use it?
A multi user, multi platform, portable operating system.
- What company and what division did the initial development of UNIX?
AT&T and Bell Technical Labratories (Bell Labs)
- What language is most of UNIX written in?
"C". A small part of it is written in the assembly language of the
target machine.
- What type of platform (hardware) does UNIX run on?
Almost all systems. Two that come to mind that don't run UNIX are Commodore 64
and the AS/400. All RISC systems seem to. Super computer systems.
IBM/PC and Mac desktop systems. Engineering workstations.
- Who currently owns "UNIX"? (Optional: What company currently
ownes a large part of the answer to this question?)
Santa Cruz Operation or SCO. Microsoft currently owns a large block
of SCO stock.
- How do you exit (saving your work) the
text editor?
Two ways esc ZZ
or :wq
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