5.5 ed and ex text editors5 Class notes5.3 Password File Entry5.4 ls -l output - format and content

5.4 ls -l output - format and content

The ls -l command is very common. Understanding the output give some insight into the UNIX system. ls is the UNIX version of the directory command. The -l option is for the long form of the output. An example of this command follows:
[44] red:/home/ltaber > ls -l tmp
-rw-r-----   1 ltaber   wheel        1876 Jan 17  1996 tmp
Each field will be looked at in turn.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu** My new Home on phRed** The Pima College Site** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.

5.5 ed and ex text editors5 Class notes5.3 Password File Entry5.4 ls -l output - format and content