Go backward to 3.1 Course grade
Go up to 3 Attendance and Grading Policy
Go forward to 3.3 Group Readiness Tests
3.2 Individual Readiness Tests, Lab work, & Homework
At the beginning of each major topic, an individual readiness test
will be given. This will be at the beginning of a class. It will test
the students' understanding of the material that was to
have been read prior to the class session. This is to insure that the
student is accountable for completing reading and homework assignments.
These tests will be multiple choice or short answer. The expected
completion time will vary, but will be about 15 minutes.
In exceptional circumstances, the topic test might be available on the
Individual lab assignments may also be given. They will be part of this
Homework, when assigned, will be collected prior to the
individual readiness test. Late homework will not be accepted.
The class weight of this section will be between 15% and 35%.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu** My new Home on phRed** The Pima College Site** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.