You will need to attempt 85% of the total possible points offered in quizzes, exams, and the final exam. You will need to attempt all of lab work and complete two book reports. If you do NOT want me to grade a problem you need to let me know, in writing, before the work is graded. To do this place your initials next to the question number OR leave the question blank. If you discard more than allowed on quizzes and exams, your total points attempted will be adjusted up to 85% of the total offered.
A subjective class participation score will also adjust your final score by a maximum of -1% to +2%. I may, at my discretion, add a fixed positive percentage to all students scores in a class.
Your course grade will be determined from the ratio of your maximum possible points and your total score adjusted by my assessment of your class participation and the class adjustment.
Greater than 90% A Greater than 80% and less than 90% B Greater than 70% and less than 80% C Greater than 55% and less than 70% D Greater than 50% and less than 55% F Less than 50% Y