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2.3 Class content

  1. Logging on/off
  2. Passwords, security, file protection
  3. Computer Hardware
    1. Processors: Single & Multiple, and Vector processing.
    2. Terminals and modems
    3. Disk and tape systems
    4. Networks
    5. Memory systems: caching, paging and segmentation
    6. Direct Memory Access (DMA) and Interrupts
  4. Operating systems (Both VAX/VMS and UNIX) & software
    1. Task and resource management
    2. Operating system commands
      1. HELP & man commands
      2. SHOW & who, ps, w, commands
      3. COPY & cp commands
      4. DIRECTORY & ls commands
      5. TYPE & cat commands
      6. PRINT & lpr, lpq commands
      7. RENAME & mv commands
      8. DELETE & rm commands
      9. SET DEFAULT & cd commands
      10. CREATE & mkdir commands
    3. Operating system concepts
      1. file names, file types, & file versions, wild-cards
      2. subdirectories
      3. Command procedures & scripts (batch files), LOGIN.COM, .login, .cshrc, .profile
      4. Logical names, environment variables, and variables
      5. regular expressions, grep
    4. Text editing - full screen and line
    5. Electronic Mail(local and network)
    6. Internet
      1. FTP
      2. Telnet
      3. Netscape & Internet Explorer
    7. Compiling and Linking (Programming languages)
      1. FORTRAN
      2. PASCAL
      3. COBOL
      4. C & C++

Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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