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2.3 Class content

  1. Background Review
    1. The "UNIX" philosophy
    2. Editing, compiling, linking and running programs
    3. Pipes and redirection
    4. UNIX security and passwords
    5. UNIX file system concepts
    6. Daemon processes and logging
  2. Basic Linux Installation
    1. Different distributions of Linux
    2. Creating a bootable floppy disk
    3. Installation choices: Network/FTP/CD-ROM
    4. Linux installation
    5. Linux configuration
    6. Linux kernel compile
    7. Shadow passwords and security
    8. Adding and removing user accounts
    9. System backups
  3. Installing Software Packages
    1. Downloading software with FTP
    2. Un-TARing software packages
    3. Configuring and compiling software packages
    4. Installing
  4. Network File Services NFS Configuration
  5. SAMBA File and Print Server
    1. Installation and configuration
    2. File sharing to Windows systems
    3. Printer sharing
  6. Apache Web Server
    1. Installation and configuration
    2. Document root
    3. CGI-bin operation
    4. Server side includes
  7. FTP
    1. Anonymous set-root operation and setup
    2. Restricting access
    3. Log files
This list is a sampling of the many possibilities. The exact content of the class will depend on the interests of the students enrolled and the time available.
Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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