Unless otherwise indicated all pictures are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All usage needs to include the following attribution: "Picture taken by Louis Taber".
All pictures with people are ©2009 by Louis Taber with all rights reserved.

Home   Appalachian Trail - 2009 index
From Arlington West Wardsboro Road (43.061450, -72.986622) to Stratton Pond
Appalachian Trail
dscf1498.jpg   Original     10/150s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:27:01PM EDT    Tags:

Appalachian Trail
dscf1499.jpg   Original     10/520s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:58:34PM EDT    Tags:

Appalachian Trail
dscf1500.jpg   Original     10/3500s f8.5 ISO100
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:35:53PM EDT    Tags:

Appalachian Trail
dscf1501.jpg   Original     10/500s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:36:06PM EDT    Tags: T
Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1502.jpg   Original     10/200s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:36:13PM EDT    Tags: T
Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1503.jpg   Original     10/65s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:38:28PM EDT    Tags: T
Appalachian Trail.

From Stratton Mountain fire tower  
Appalachian Trail From Stratton Mountain fire tower
dscf1504.jpg   Original     10/2100s f8.5 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:57:58PM EDT    Tags: V
View from Appalachian Trail

From Stratton Mountain fire tower  
Appalachian Trail From Stratton Mountain fire tower
dscf1505.jpg   Original     10/1600s f8.5 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:58:05PM EDT    Tags: V
View from Appalachian Trail

From Stratton Mountain fire tower  
Appalachian Trail From Stratton Mountain fire tower
dscf1506.jpg   Original     10/3000s f8.5 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:58:17PM EDT    Tags: V
View from Appalachian Trail

From From Stratton Mountain fire tower  
Appalachian Trail From From Stratton Mountain fire tower
dscf1507.jpg   Original     10/3400s f8.5 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:58:30PM EDT    Tags: V
View from Appalachian Trail

Down Stratton Mountain fire tower  
Appalachian Trail Down Stratton Mountain fire tower
dscf1508.jpg   Original     10/3000s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:59:08PM EDT    Tags:

Down Stratton Mountain fire tower  
Appalachian Trail Down Stratton Mountain fire tower
dscf1509.jpg   Original     10/4000s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:59:18PM EDT    Tags:

Appalachian Trail
dscf1510.jpg   Original     10/1600s f8.5 ISO100
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: -90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:59:37PM EDT    Tags: V
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Mountain  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Mountain
dscf1511.jpg   Original     10/3000s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:00:39PM EDT    Tags: S
Appalachian Trail sign.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1512.jpg   Original     10/100s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:42:26PM EDT    Tags: Z
Appalachian Trail with white blaze.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1513.jpg   Original     10/1200s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:03:53PM EDT    Tags: O
Dirt, gravel, or logging road crossing the Appalachian Trail.

No Bicycles  
Appalachian Trail No Bicycles
dscf1514.jpg   Original     10/250s f3.3 ISO200
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:04:02PM EDT    Tags: ST
Appalachian Trail sign.
Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1515.jpg   Original     10/120s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:04:19PM EDT    Tags: T
Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1516.jpg   Original     10/700s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:25:54PM EDT    Tags: B
Bridge on the Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1517.jpg   Original     10/150s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:26:19PM EDT    Tags: C
Creek on Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1518.jpg   Original     10/600s f3.3 ISO200
Full size rotated image     Rotation angle: 90      Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:26:28PM EDT    Tags: C
Creek on Appalachian Trail.

Appalachian Trail
dscf1519.jpg   Original     10/280s f3.3 ISO200
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:26:49PM EDT    Tags: B
Bridge on the Appalachian Trail.

Water, North Shore Trail, Stratton Pond (Near 43.103361, -72.963937)  
Appalachian Trail Water, North Shore Trail, Stratton Pond (Near 43.103361, -72.963937)
dscf1520.jpg   Original     10/5500s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 6:01:06PM EDT    Tags: LS
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
Appalachian Trail sign.

Stratton Pond, Sunset  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sunset
dscf1521.jpg   Original     10/1400s f8.5 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:26:49PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Pond, Sunset - 8 minutes later  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sunset - 8 minutes later
dscf1522.jpg   Original     10/6000s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:34:47PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Pond, Sunset - another 3 minutes  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sunset - another 3 minutes
dscf1523.jpg   Original     10/3400s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:37:39PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Pond, Sunset - another 1 minutes  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sunset - another 1 minutes
dscf1524.jpg   Original     10/3400s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:38:39PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Pond, Sunset - another 1.6 minutes  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sunset - another 1.6 minutes
dscf1525.jpg   Original     10/2800s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:40:20PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Pond, Sun has set  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sun has set
dscf1526.jpg   Original     10/1700s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:46:38PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail

Stratton Pond, Sun has set  
Appalachian Trail Stratton Pond, Sun has set
dscf1527.jpg   Original     10/850s f3.3 ISO100
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:47:32PM EDT    Tags: LV
Lake seen from Appalachian Trail.
View from Appalachian Trail